Dr.Sue Morter
Krissy Ellis


Balance Pflaster/ Patch

Normaler Preis€29,95
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Das Balance Pflaster kann dazu beitragen, Ihre Stressreaktionen zu reduzieren und Ihr Maß an Leichtigkeit, Effektivität und Kreativität bei allen Aktivitäten zu erhöhen. Die meisten Menschen erleben ein Gefühl von mehr Gelassenheit, erhöhter geistiger Besonnenheit, Klarheit und Ausgeglichenheit.
Behält seine volle Wirkung für 7 Tage
Größe: 2,5cmx2,2cm
Gewicht: 4,0g
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power booster

Power Booster

Normaler Preis€29,95
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Das Power Booster Pflaster erhöht Ihr Energielevel und Ihren Fokus innerhalb weniger Minuten. Fühlen Sie sich aufgetankt und fit, zentriert und bereit für die nächste Herausforderung!  

Behalten ihre volle Wirkung für 24 Stunden.

Größe: 2,5cmx2,2cm
Gewicht: 4,0g

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What our customers say

I’m thrilled to have found the Quantum Patches, as they’ve been extraordinarily helpful to my overall well-being. They’re easy to use and powerfully effective. Recently, I started feeling sick, put on the Master patch, and started feeling better within minutes. What a remarkable support they are!

Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason

I started to feel run down and placed the Soft booster patch on my arm and within an hour I felt remarkably better with energy that lasted for days. Each patch contains a high-frequency energetic field of quantum healing that works on the body’s energy field. It is an extraordinarily complex design in a very simple-to-use patch. I am grateful for such a powerful and simple technology

Lisa Garr, Host of The Aware Show

These quantum products are incredible. I was practicing an extreme sport and was quite anxious. Seconds after applying the balance product I felt calm and focused. They simply work and fast

Josee, Las Vegas

After my sweet doggie Thunder was diagnosed with cancer and a respiratory infection, I purchased a Beyond Matters Master tag in hopes of helping her. Three weeks later, her cough is gone and she is doing much better

Jocelyn, Denver

"I decided to try the horse balance bead. I braided the bead into his mane 2 days before the Trailer attempt.
Wow! It took under 10 minutes to load him an NO sweat during the ride.

Judi, Boulder Colorado